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How Old Is My Furnace
How Old Is My Furnace

How Old Is My Furnace

In order to calculate the age of your furnace, all we need is your Furnace’s serial number. Once you’ve located your Furnace’s serial number simply enter it in, click the “Check Serial Number”, and our calculator will let you know just how old your Rheem furnace really is.

Enter your Serial Number below

Sample Rheem Furnace Serial Numbers
W041923054 W481803541 W331801297 W311830586 W441805950 W361823791 W431834389 W151822838 W461820029 W361810828

A celebration 100 years in the making
With the help of our people and our partners we've driven industry innovation for 100 years. We're proud that it's all led to Rheem being the brand that homeowners and businesses count on. And the best part is, we're just getting started.
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