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Blog post by ENERGY STAR
Since 1992, when the EPA first introduced the ENERGY STAR® label, the program has expanded to more than 70 product categories including heat pump water heaters (also commonly referred to as “electric hybrid water heaters”) and tankless condensing water heaters. Today, ENERGY STAR is now widely recognized as the simple choice for energy efficiency. According to recent surveys, 91% of households recognize the ENERGY STAR brand and most understand the intent of the ENERGY STAR label on their products. Each year a substantial portion of U.S. households knowingly purchase at least one ENERGY STAR certified product and report being influenced by the label to do so. Learn more about ENERGY STAR.
Consumers consistently value products that can be trusted and relied upon for their performance. Products that earn ENERGY STAR certification, such as Heat Pump Water Heaters, have been verified to meet energy efficiency requirements set by EPA. Third-party certification is a process of independent review and testing of products that is comprehensive, thorough and robust helping you as a consumer to distinguish the products that meet these environmental performance standards for energy efficiency from the products that don’t. EPA-recognized certification bodies verify data and report products that meet the relevant ENERGY STAR specification to EPA. Learn more about Certification Bodies.
As technology improves and markets change, ENERGY STAR evolves to deliver additional savings by revising specifications and updating performance requirements. Currently, an ENERGY STAR certified Heat Pump Water Heater uses less than half the energy of a standard model and can save a household of 4 approximately $330 per year on its electric bills compared to a standard electric water heater and more than $3,500 over the Heat Pump Water Heater’s lifetime (Figure 1). EPA is currently in process of the Version 4.0 specification which is anticipated to deliver even greater savings and will go into effect in 2022.
For more information about ENERGY STAR Certified Heat Pump Water Heaters
About ENERGY STAR for Products
Water Heater Key Product Criteria
Residential Water Heaters Specification Version 4.0
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